Migration registration
In case of any departure from the Russian Federation, a foreign student must inform the Foreign Students Department.
On return to the Russian Federation, a student again must provide his or her documents for migration registration.
It should also be pointed out that foreign citizens coming to the Russian Federation for a period of more than 3 working daysdays must register at a place of stay on the day of arrival or the next day. For violation of time periods and migration registration order, a foreign citizen can be held administratively liable to a fine up to 5000 rubles.
In case of loss or damage of passport, migration card, visa or notification, a foreign citizen should apply to the nearest police office for the certificate — a ground for reissuance of the lost documents.
Visa-free countries
Migration registration of foreign citizens from visa-free countries
Coming to the Russian Federation territory each time on the border-crossing day or the next day, a foreign citizen must come to the Foreign Students Department for migration registration and provide the following documents:
- standard application form;
- copy of passport
- copy of migration card (except for Belorussia citizens, crossed only Russian-Belorussian Border)
- copy of Medical Insurance Policy
- two 3 x 4cm , matte photos (black and white or coloured)
- excerpt from admission order (or transfer to the next course)
- copy of payment agreement (in case of fee-paying education)
- education payment receipt (in case of fee-paying education)
Countries with visa regime
One-entry visas (with the purpose of visit “Study”, “Postgraduate study” or “Courses”) are renewed by issue of multi-visas and migration registration in compliance with the Russian Federation legislation.
Multi-visas issue for foreign citizens arriving at KSTU
The only reason for the extension of stay period in the Russian Federation for a foreign student, a trainee or a postgraduate student, or for the issue of multi-visa is continuation of study. For multi-visa issue and extension of stay period in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide not later than one month up to the visa expiration the following documents to the Passport and Visa Department:
- standard application form
- copy of passport
- visa;
- copy of migration card
- copy of Ministry of Education Assignment (for those studying under intergovernmental agreements);
- copy of the Tuition Payment Agreement (in case of fee-paying education)
- state duty payment receipt (1000 rubles) paid in one of the banks of the Russian Federation;
- copy of Medical Insurance Policy
- six 3 x 4cm , matte photos (black and white or coloured)
- copy of admission order
- copy of Payment Agreement (in case of fee-paying education)
- copy of education payment receipt (in case of fee-paying education)
Migration registration of foreign citizens from countries with visa regime
Coming to the Russian Federation territory, each time on the border-crossing day or the next day, a foreign citizen must come to the Foreign Students Department for migration registration and provide the following documents:
- standard application form
- copy of passport
- visa with its copy
- copy of migration card
- two 3 x 4cm , matte photos (black and white or coloured)
- copy of admission order
- copy of Payment Agreement (in case of fee-paying education)
- copy of education payment receipt (in case of fee-paying education)
Citizens of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan may not register if the duration of stay is not more than 30 days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation.
Ukrainian citizens may not register if the duration of stay is not more than 30 days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation.
Registration of foreign course participants, students, postgraduate students and trainees, arrived by right of visa, can be only accomplished with the visa, issued on the grounds of KSTU invitation (the purpose of visit: “Courses”, Study”, ”Postgraduate study”, “Practical training”, receiving organization: KSTU).
Intramural and extramural foreign students are entitled to registration during the whole studying period, but not later than one year from the date of entry into the Russian Federation.
State-funded education – registration for academic year.
Fee-paying education - registration for the paid period of studying.
For the violation of the Russian Federation legislation, the Department of the Federal Migration Service under Article 18.8 of the Administrative Offence Code, can apply the following administrative measures against foreign citizens:
- administrative fine (2000 - 5000 rubles)
- reduction of visit duration
- expulsion from the Russian Federation without the right to return for 5 years
To enter the Russian Federation for study, foreign citizens need an invitation issued by the migration service. To issue the invitation, you must provide a copy of your national passport and fill out our application form.