For applicants 2024
Bachelor's and specialist programme
Educational programmes Admission rules Admission Plan (number of state-funded and fee-paying places) Enrolment period Entrance examinations Entrance examinations programs For foreign citizens List of documents Tuition fee for foreign citizens Information on the dormitory availability Pre-academic programs Meetings scheduleMaster's programme
Educational programmes Admission rules Admission Plan (number of state-funded and fee-paying places) Enrolment period Entrance examinations Entrance examinations programs For foreign citizens List of documents Tuition fee Information on the dormitory availabilityPostgraduate education
Educational programmes Admission rules List of individual achievements Places to apply Procedure for filing and considering appeals Sample contract for the provision of fee-paying educational services Information on the dormitory availability Admission Plan (number of state-funded and fee-paying places) Entrance examinations Entrance examinations programs Schedule of entrance examinations Enrolment period For foreign citizens List of documents Tuition feecontacts
Bachelor's and specialist programme
Educational programmes Admission rules Admission Plan (number of state-funded and fee-paying places) Enrolment period Entrance examinations Entrance examinations programs For foreign citizens List of documents Tuition fee for foreign citizens Information on the dormitory availability Pre-academic programsPostgraduate education
Educational programmes Admission rules List of individual achievements Places to apply Procedure for filing and considering appeals Sample contract for the provision of fee-paying educational services Information on the dormitory availability Admission Plan (number of state-funded and fee-paying places) Entrance examinations Entrance examinations programs Schedule of entrance examinations Enrolment period For foreign citizens List of documents Tuition feeDEAR APPLICANTS!
Kaliningrad State Technical University is pleased to welcome you on the page dedicated to admission issues. Admission to the university is a special process, subject to certain laws - Admission Rules.
We will help you to understand all the details of admission to the university complex of KSTU and make a conscious choice of future profession.

KSTU is the oldest industry-based university of our country.
Today the University is a dynamically developing multidisciplinary university complex oriented to the needs of its region and the Russian Fishery Industry.
Annually more than two and a half thousand highly qualified specialists graduate from it. KSTU graduates are known not only in our region, but also far beyond the borders of Russia.
Our university complex consists of two higher educational institutions and two colleges:
University complex of KSTU
Secondary vocational education
> 1500 state-funded places
> 2500 fee-paying places
30 training programmes
bachelor's programmes,
specialist programmes
15 training programmes
postgraduate education
22 training programmes
master's programmes
21 programmes
secondary vocational education
Educational programmes
admission to the university
admission of documents
Admission of documents is carried out within the established deadlines during the admission campaign period
Submit documents
Personal acceptance of documents
If all epidemiological requirements are met, it is possible to submit documents in person to the University Admissions Office:
Kaliningrad, Sovetskiy prospekt, 1, office 108
6, Molodezhnaya St, educational building 1, office 109
Through postal operators (Russian Post Office and other postal operators)
Through the personal account of the applicant on the KSTU website
state-funded places
and tuition fees

Licence and accreditation
Educational and scientific activities
12000+ students
124 educational programmes
840+ professional
200 000 graduates
18 institutes
12 educational buildings
Pre-university project center
Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.